Oakland Interfaith World Choir
April 2017 marked the first-ever International Interfaith Gospel Music Conference, hosted at the Mariott Hotel in Oakland, CA. Seven diverse choirs from Arcata, Portland, Canada, France, Denmark, and Kenya joined world-renowned gospel artists, including Edwin Hawkins, to learn and practice the tenets of Black gospel music.
In early 2020 when the pandemic hit and the world shut down - OIGC stayed connected with choir members and audiences through virtual rehearsals and performances. With the help of technology (and a steep learning curve), we invited the world to join us in our virtual World Choir Project in the Spring of 2021. Nine countries joined us in five different languages for I Won't Stop Singing My Praise, an original song Terrance wrote at the start of the pandemic to remind us all that no matter what, we won't stop singing!
As the world slowly re-opens and in-person activities become safer, OIGC remains committed to the connections made with our international friends and family during the pandemic, inviting all to join in song.
IIGMC Slideshow - April 2017
I Won’t Stop Singing My Praise - Spring 2021
Joy to the World - Winter 2021
Do I have to be in another choir to participate?
Nope! If you want to sing with us, you can join us! Just follow the project guidelines to submit your video.
Do I have to read music?
No. Project songs will be taught by ear in the oral tradition of African American gospel music.
Which part do I sing?
You can sing any part that you choose! Listen to the rehearsal videos to decide whether soprano, alto, tenor, or bass is most comfortable for you. Here is a playlist of past rehearsal videos.
Am I required to buy a t-shirt to participate?
Not at all! There are no additional uniform purchases required to participate. However, you may be asked to wear something specific for the project. (For example, a black shirt with gold color accessories.)
How do I join?
To participate in the World Choir Project, follow the guidelines to submit your video!
Do I need any special equipment?
Since the World Choir Project is a virtual collaboration, an element of technology is required to participate. A stable internet and a smartphone, tablet, or computer with a working microphone and camera is necessary. Project guidelines have been reviewed to account for ease of use and most accessibility.
Do I have to sing in English?
OIGC sings songs from the African American spiritual tradition, so songs for the World Choir Project will likely be in English. The guidelines for the specific project will indicate whether or not we're accepting submissions in other languages.
How do I submit my video?
Videos are generally collected through a cloud service, or some sort of online platform. Please read the project guidelines carefully for video submission directions. Most questions can be answered within the project guidelines. For additional questions, you can email admin@oigc.org.
How will my video be used?
When you submit your video, it will be edited along with other submissions to create a final video. OIGC may use this completed video in different ways, including, but not limited to, private and public events, as a tool for public outreach, or for income-generating events.