Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir

The Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir is an audition-only, semi-professional Black gospel music choir that performs 25-30 times per year. It includes the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Ensemble made up of 9 to 15 singers who are tasked with performing an additional 10-20 times per year. The most intensive of the choirs, OIGC rehearses weekly and an 80% performance attendance is required.

Performance highlights include the CA Governor’s Tree Lighting Ceremony, Super Bowl 50, Chase Center’s opening ceremony, and the launch of the National LGBTQ Center for the Arts in San Francisco.

OIGC has also toured the world, including Canada, Israel, Australia, the Lavender Pen Tour in October 2017 (5-state tour with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus) and the European Tour in 2015.

Auditions to join the Gospel Choir are generally held in February/March of each year. To be notified of future audition opportunities, be sure to follow OIGC on Facebook, Insta, or Twitter, and join our email list!

To learn more about our non-audition Community Choir that rehearses generally once a month, and performs 4 to 5 times a year, visit: www.oigc.org/oicc.

Next General Auditions: February/March 2026

Upcoming Events:

Audition FAQs

Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir!


When are auditions?
Auditions are generally held in February/March and are conducted by appointment only. Auditions at other times may be announced as needed, determined by the Artistic Director. Stay connected by signing up for our email list and connect with us on Facebook or Instagram where we will also be making audition announcements. Request an audition appointment.

What does the audition consist of?
You will be asked to sing a song (~3 min) of your choice, gospel or secular. You can sing acapella, bring sheet music for the pianist, or a personal speaker for your backing track. You will be asked to sing scales to measure your range, and a set of intervals which will first be played for you on the piano.

Is experience necessary?
OIGC is a volunteer choir with professional standards, but experience is not necessary. The director is looking for a certain degree of skill, however, as well as voices that satisfy the musical needs of the choir.

Participants should also:

  • have the ability to stand for long periods of time (sets can run from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours without a break)

  • have the ability to quickly navigate stairs and stages that may not have accommodations for people with limited mobility

  • understand that performance schedule and call times can be physically demanding (multiple performances back to back, early morning call times, etc.)

What happens after I pass the audition?
Successful completion of the audition is at the sole discretion of the Musical Director, taking the musical needs of the choir into account. Successful completion of an audition grants the applicant introductory membership in the choir which lasts for 3 months, or more if needed, at the discretion of the Artistic Director. Introductory members are expected to attend all rehearsals and all public performances.

How much does it cost?
Membership dues are $25 a month for 11 months ($275/year). After introductory status, members are responsible for paying for their uniform (approximately $400-$450) which includes, but not limited to, robes, formal uniform attire (suit/bowtie OR uniform dress and jacket), and uniform t-shirts. Members are also responsible for other personal attire such as black pants, shoes, socks, etc. Limited financial aid is available for members who may have financial difficulty.

What is the time commitment?
As a professional-level choir, OIGC rehearses weekly on Mondays from 7pm to 10pm and performs 35-40 times a year. A smaller ensemble of 9 to 15 performs an additional 15-20 times a year. The Choir is on break usually for a month in July/August and for a few weeks in December/January. To learn more about our non-audition Community Choir that rehearses once a month, and performs 4 to 5 times a year, visit: www.oigc.org/oicc

What kinds of songs does the choir sing?
Our mission is to inspire joy and unity among all people through Black gospel and spiritual music traditions. We sing Black gospel music, including negro spirituals, traditional, contemporary, and original gospel music; gospelized Christmas tunes, and classics. While considerations are made to provide the most inclusive experience for singers of all faiths, there may be times when the lyrics draw specifically from Christian imagery and experience. Song selection is at the discretion of the Artistic Director.

Do I have to read music?
No. In the tradition of Black gospel music, most of our music is taught by ear. Occasionally, sheet music will be utilized, but the ability to read music is not mandatory.

Will I need any special equipment?
Because most of our music is taught by ear, an audio recording device is essential (most people use their phones). Also, a notebook and pen or pencil are helpful for taking notes during rehearsal.

Does the Choir travel?
YES! In addition to performances in the Bay Area from Healdsburg to Monterey, we have also traveled throughout the United States to cities such as Charleston, New Orleans, and Seattle, and performed in Canada, Australia, Europe, and Israel. Members usually pay their own way with a subsidy provided through the Choir’s fundraising efforts. Our latest tours include the Lavender Pen Tour in October 2017 and the European Tour in 2015.


 Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir 2024-2025


Abbe Anderson
Nicolia Bagby Gooding
Brenda Bailey Powell
Megan Barnett
Rachael Bigelow
Meliney E. Brooks
Leola Clark
Mary Ford
Jennifer W. Grace
Colleen Grimes
Lynne Gurewitz
Ranwa Hammamy
Asha Howard
Christine Rachel Joseph
Grace Kamau
Tamar Noa Leveson
Maria Long
Linda Mack
Teresa Mack
Kellie Morlock
Annemarie Roberts
Valeria Scott
LaTara Taylor
Leah Quinita Viola Weaver


Ashley Anderson
Mattie Armstrong
Isa S. Chu
Annette Coffey
Liz Colt
Lindsay K. Elam
Cheryl Espinosa-Jones
Jeanne Fahey
Cheryl Garner
Kat Guido-Respicio
Katherine Harry
Sharon P. Hymes-Offord
Elena Lappen
Jennifer Little
Mallory Loomis
Liane Ma
Dawn Martin
Cynthia Minor
Aida Mukharesh
Emily Neigel
Vanessa Warheit
Becky Watson
Danielle Yvonne White
Loretta Winchester
Christina Zou


Don Bonner
Arthur Bowling-Dyer
Kramer Dahl
Mykel Dicus
Cyril Drame
Christian Heppinstall
Lara Hermanson
Eugene  Ho
Gracie Jones
Donald Lang
Joe Lim
Tessa Loehwing
Jacob Martin
Scott Stephen Meltzer
Manuel Mendoza
Erin Murray
Jae Phoenix
Austin Putman
Carl Resnikoff
Melanie Robins
Patrick Siewe
Vernon Staggers
Daniel Strauss
Cheri Toney
Chao Xue


David Cogswell
Paul Daniels
Aaron Draper
Jim Fisher
Jafar Green
Jason Horlador
Carl Robert Johanson
Jeffrey Landau
Tony Lewis
Dan Nazarian
Benjamin Schleifer


Tina Bryant, Keys
Louis Burrell, Keys
O’Neal Dorsey, Drums
Riccol Johnson, Bass
Miles Lathan, Drums
Ryan Mainess, Bass
Caleb Phair, Keys
Jae Phoenix, Tambourine